Live Auction







A Few Live Auction Tips

Always Hire a Professional Auctioneer ( that specializes in charities)
The number one piece of advice I can give you is to hire a professional auctioneer that specializes in charities.  So often as a non-profit you may have the inclination to use a friend of your organization but really give this a second thought.  The reality is a charity auctioneer can work a crowd and bring you in money.  If you don’t know what you are doing you can leave money on the table.  Not only do professional auctioneer’s make you more money but they will help with the flow of the night and your guests will appreciate this.
Have a Good Sound System
Poor sound can be extremely detrimental to your live.  I have been at auctions where it was hard to hear and when your guest can’t hear they will visit and tune out.  If they tune out and are socializing they aren’t bidding.  Bottom line poor sound = money lost.
Be Selective with Your Items
When choosing what to have in your live be selective and have a variety.  Pick items that have overall appeal.  Some of the best items for a live are one of a kind experiences.  These unique experiences can bring in top dollar.
Include a Raise the Paddle (AKA…Fund a Need or a Direct Ask)
The night of your auction is about your charity and you should always include a direct ask.  After all the guests are there because they believe in the work that you do.
Be Aware of Length of the Live
Even though it is tempting really thing twice about doing a really long live.  People get restless and they tune out at a certain point.  The live is like a movie you want it to keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat.  The last thing you want is for your guest to feel like it is dragging on.
The Order of the Live is Important
This is something your auctioneer should go over with you.  An auction has a flow to it and your auctioneer will work with you to create that flow and make it build and keep it fun and entertaining.  Having the items in the right order is key to their success.  It can cost you money if  your items are in the wrong place.  We can assist with the order as well if you would like us to.
Advertise Your Live Items Before and During the Event
It is always good to advertise your live items ahead of time.  Feature them on your webpage prior to your event.  As well as have a catalog for your guest to look at when they arrive.
Have a Good Display of  Your Live Items
Having a great live display is important.  Make sure the displays feature the details and are fun to look at.  These are your marquee items you want them to show well.  Have a display that draws people’s attentions
Selling Items for Other People ?
Really consider if you want to feature an item with a reserve in your live.  Although this happens often, I would really consider the value it brings.  It will take up time in your live and how much will it really bring your organization?  If you need something exciting for your live look for a unique experience. Often these items bring you much more money and the cost is much smaller.  When you sell a trip for another company many times you are making them more money than your charity.  So I recommend weighing this option and see if it fits with your goals for your night